Carvana started operating 7 days a week and at longer hours on Jan 6th said Dre’Marquis Kendall, a Senior Manager, Market Operations at Carvana. He was asked to “sit on a call” with the Framingham Board of License Commissioners by someone at the office to answer questions, for their hearing on Feb 24th, where the business was scheduled to ask for a change of hours from 8a-8p Monday through Saturday, and to 7a-9p, seven days a week.

In Framingham, businesses obtain a license to operate before being allowed to open for the first time, and part of that license process is going before the Board of License Commissioners, where the dates and times of operations are discussed and is a part of that license. So if a change was to be made, the normal process is to apply for new hours from the Board, and once it is voted on by them, to open those hours.
In this case, the business has been operating at the proposed hours for nearly 50 days, without the needed permission, and nobody knows why now they are asking for permission, as there is no evidence that anyone complained about the changes, or that the city noticed.
Of concern, while the business is applying for the 7a-9p hours, the reality is that operations on the site take place before and after that time, with cars arriving outside the requested hours. Their requested hours are only the time that the business will be open to the public.
The police were asked about the noise ordinance, and how these hours may bump up against these rules. The police suggested more of a see what happens, or see if anyone in the neighborhood complains, type approach. Car carriers and flat bed trailer receiving is a noisy process.
No members of the public were at the meeting to speak against the change.
A motion was made to approve the change requested by Carvana, with an exception on Sunday, to allow for an 8a opening. By a vote of 4-1 the motion for the change was approved… And once again the people of Framingham, specifically, the people south side, have been shat upon by another board.